
Showing posts with the label essays

One word essay: Pride

One word essay: Pride Pride is the feeling of confidence and self-respect that one gets after accomplishing a major achievement. The feeling of pride, though common to every sapience being, can be found excessively in ambitious men and women. Whether it is a great warrior, a craftsman, an artist, a scholar or a king, they all have one feeling in common, which is their desire to take a great pride in their work, postion or wisdom. In most cases, the pride of a being is the major driving factor which motivates him to pursue his goals and reach greater heights. Without pride, the competition will be significantly reduce and the ambition will no longer exist. In our daily lives, the student compete with each other to get the award for the most brilliant. The researchers competes to make the greatest discoveries. The companies competes to make the best product and attract consumers. The writers compete to give birth to the greatest of human imagination and the countries compete to be the mi

One word Essay: Adventure

One word Essay: Adventure The word adventure, which suddenly cause one to feel excited, upon hearing usually describes an experience or an activity which is particularly dangerous or filled with excitement. It is one of many English words whose dictionary definition does not hold true for everyone as every individual has a particular hobby or memory which they call adventurous. For some hiking on a mountain may be adventurous, and for others taking part in dangerous activities and games might be adventurous. Some people might find it interesting to hear the adventure of others rather than going on one themselves while others would like to have an adventurous time through the perspective of someone else like in movies. Adventures makes our life interesting and joyful. It is very hard to live each day following the same schedule. Adventures helps to bring a change of pace to our initially dull and unvaried life. Whether it is going out for fishing by the lakeside or playing video games w

If you could jump into the world of any book and spend a day with the characters, which book it would be and what character would you want to hang out with?

If you could jump into the world of any book and spend a day with the characters, which book it would be and what character would you want to hang out with? Books are one of the greatest products that humanity has ever created by incorporating their intelligence and creativity. Books are not only a source of vast knowledge in our hands, but they also provide entertainment. There are various types and genres of books available on the market. Whether it is the fiction books or the non-fiction ones, it is the skills and style of the author that makes the reading interesting and often productive too. Books have always been regarded as the key that open the gates to wonders and fantasy in the minds of children as well as adults. When someone picks up a well written book, then age becomes a number in actual ways as old as well as young experience the same joy and feels the same ecstasy. There are uncountable books to choose from, but the one I like the most is “400 Days” by Chetan Bhagat. Th

Be the change that you wish to be. Reflect on the statement.

Be the change that you wish to be. Reflect on the statement. Change is the natural law of nature. There is nothing in the universe that can exist without changing to fit itself to the surroundings which is continuously changing. A change can be as small as the changing of colors of radium when stroked with photons or it can be as big as the expansion of universe and change of climate. In nature, it is usually observed that it is not required to force a substance to bring a change to itself, but humans require a catalyst to force themselves to bring a change. This is one of the reasons that the saying "be the change that you wish to be" can be heard since thousands of years.  In the modern times, we have significantly reduced physical work from our daily routine. This has led to an increase in many diseases like diabetes and obesity. Since almost all of our work can be done with the help of computers and machines, humans barely need to do any labor. The adults are aware of it,

Argumentative Essay: Is the advancement of autonomous vehicles a positive development for society?

Argumentative Essay: Is the advancement of autonomous vehicles a positive development for society? Human Technologies have advanced much faster in the last decade than before. We have worked towards automations and extracting better output from our machines. Many have contributed towards making autonomous machines. These machines were first used for industrial use only, but slowly they are being modified so that the general public can also enjoy their benefits. One such invention is autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving vehicles. They do not need a human driver to operate them instead, they rely on advance artificial intelligence technologies to move without the need of a driver.  The manufacturing and usage of autonomous vehicles have increased significantly in the past ten years. They do not require a human operator, so they are very profitable to courier and other delivery companies. One of the major benefits of autonomous vehicles are that the people with disability can a

Argumentative essay: Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of misinformation?

  Argumentative essay: Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of misinformation? Social media platforms have become a wonderful place to spend our time nowadays. They not only provide useful information but also provides entertainment and quick news updates. With the rise in Internet users, numerous social media platforms have popped up and numerous companies have been set up. The users are generally free to post anything on social media as long as they follow the code of conducts. This has resulted in an increase in the publication of fake and misleading information. During the elections period, social media platforms are flooded with spam promotional contents and misleading information about the candidates.  At times like this, it becomes the responsibility of the social media platforms to strictly monitor and regulate the content on their platforms. As ordered by the Indian Government, the social media platforms need to form a team of individual who will co

Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it.

  Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it. Almost all the stories are based on the moral teaching of choosing the tough path instead of the one which seems easy. It has been taught to us that we should not strive for success but focus on doing the work and success will start following us. But it is easier to say than to actually do it. Whenever we found ourselves in a situation where we can choose one of the two paths, we choose the one that seems to take us to our goal easily and quickly. I was once in a similar situation. Last month, I was selected from my school to take part in the Inter-School Writing Competition. I was supposed to write an essay on Environment Conservation and methods to make cities cleaner and pollution free. The word limit was two thousand words. I liked to write, so it was something I would love to do so, but there was one problem: I was required to submit my essa

A village fair is very different from a city one. It is usually held annually and is connected with a religious festival or harvest. The purpose of such fair is usually trade and to exhibit and sell village handicrafts. Describe one such fair.

A village fair is very different from a city one. It is usually held annually and is connected with a religious festival or harvest. The purpose of such fair is usually trade and to exhibit and sell village handicrafts. Describe one such fair.   A fair is a gathering where people from different parts come and join to celebrate a festival, season or a good harvest. In the modern cities, fairs are held almost every week. Some of them are trade fair, science fair, book fair or others. In the villages, fairs are held once a year typically at the time of the harvest and on a large scale.  Village fair are very different from the ones held in cities. They are not held at regular intervals throughout the year but once or twice a year. They are not held to display and sell latest products, nor for product advertisements. They are simple yet fun. The true meaning of fair is to celebrate the happiness and celebrate it with others. This cannot be found in the city fairs no matter how hard someone

Describe the view from your room window

  Describe the view from your room window A window by the bedside is a wonderful that presents us with many opportunities to have a look at the outside world while staying in the comforts of our house. It is through this precious window that we could enjoy the rays of the morning sunrise, kissing our cheeks and gently waking us up. It is through the window that we could enjoy the majestic sunset view while enjoying a cup of tea or listening to calm music. Its contributions in ventilating our rooms as well as bringing the smell of the fresh flowers from the garden below deserves the highest praise. The window in my room, like most others, is rectangular in shape with sliding doors. It is not that big as to work as a balcony, but it could fit a human like if I fold up my legs. There is a beautiful park, which is funded by the neighborhood below and I could enjoy its beauties while sitting comfortably on the window. The morning is the best thing about my daily life when I get awake from t

Write a short story in which a little girl, her brother and the school bully are the main characters

Write a short story in which a little girl, her brother and the school bully are the main characters   “Do it fast! I need the homework completed by the next period,” demanded Abhay from me. “I am doing it as fast as I could and anyway it is your homework. Why should I be the one to complete it?,” I replied. “Look at you. You think you could talk to me back,” he said with a punch that hit my nose very hard. It has been three weeks since I got transferred to my town’s only english middle school which my sister also attended who was a year older than me. Since the day I came here, I had been bullied by Abhay, a fat ugly-looking stubbornly idiot classmate of mine.  At first, he only made me do his homework occasionally, but it got worse when the teacher suspected the same handwriting in two notebooks and asked me about it. I had said that I was made to do his homework and he was scolded by the teacher, but that scolding had little effects on his stupidly big head, which I am sure containe

Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful.

  Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful. In a world where all the people around the globe are connected through the means of Internet, western philosophies and culture have taken roots deeply in the culture of other nations. Whether it is the democratic ideas, free speech, or human rights, today all nations follow these principles even though if it was not even ever mentioned in their history. The cause of the spread of western culture around the globe can be attributed to their reign over multiple colonies between the 17th to 20th century and rapid increase in wealth brought due to the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. The western culture is referred to the common customs followed majorly in the American and European continents.  English, which is spoken in almost all the c

Research a famous invention. How did it changed the way we live

Research a famous invention. How did it changed the way we live Communication has been a major part of the human’s life. If a questions is asked that what is the major thing that distinguish a human from other animals, most people would answer the intelligence to communicate and understand one another. But it had not always being what it is like today. Previously, we were also like other animals, distinguished only by our ability to walk upright and fundamental intelligence about how thing works. We understood that using sign languages and producing sounds would not be enough for us to communicate and understand each other properly. So we slowly started assigning meanings to particular sounds that we produced and used it to converse with each other. This was how we came to invent languages.  Communication has always been a major part of human life and today it has become the most fundamental thing that define being a human. It is also one of the first thing that we teach a newborn infa

"Democracy cannot survive without education". Express your views either for or against this statement.

"Democracy cannot survive without education". Express your views either for or against this statement. Democracy means the rule of people. A democratic state is one where the people elect their representatives through the process of election to run the government of the country. Democracy also means that the will of the people, human rights and civil liberties are guaranteed by the government. In the modern time, most of the countries in the world are democracies. Since the people choose their leaders in this form of government, it becomes essential for the people to make sure the candidate to whom they are giving their vote is capable of this important position and can carry out the duties as the representative of the people. For this reason, it also becomes important for the people to be educated.  Education is important as it helps people make the correct choice of giving their precious vote to the candidate that they find most eligible. It has been observed several times

Wander through a bustling farmers market, describing the sights, sounds, and smells. Capture the vibrant colors of fresh produce, the chatter of vendors and customers, and the tactile sensation of browsing handmade crafts.

Wander through a bustling farmers market, describing the sights, sounds, and smells. Capture the vibrant colours of fresh produce, the chatter of vendors and customers, and the tactile sensation of browsing handmade crafts. A farmers market is a market dedicated to the local farmers to sell their produce and other local homegrown products, which is generally located near the centre of the city and is spread across a large area. Hundreds of local farmers travel thousands of kilometres from their villages to come to the cities and sell their produce. The farmers market is not organized throughout the year, but only during certain times of the year after the harvest. It serves as the best option for the consumers as well as the farmers. The consumers can get freshly produced vegetables and fruits directly from the farmers at cheaper rates and the farmers can make much more profit by directly selling than by depending on some intermediary. Last Sunday, I had my school off, so I decided to

Social media has fundamentally changed how we connect and interact. Explore the positive and negative impacts of social media on individuals and society as a whole. Consider issues like mental health, misinformation, and political polarization. Propose solutions for mitigating negative impacts while maximizing the positive potential of social media.

Social media has fundamentally changed how we connect and interact.  Explore the positive and negative impacts of social media on individuals and society as a whole.  Consider issues like mental health, misinformation, and political polarization.  Propose solutions for mitigating negative impacts while maximizing the positive potential of social media.   In the last decade, the social media has emerged as a major factor that has not only forced us to change our lifestyle but it also dictates the majority of our personal decisions. Just 20 years ago, it was not common for local masses to take interest in the culture and lifestyle of foreign countries or people to earn online easily. Social media has revolutionize the way the people around the globe connect and interact. Previously, it was common for the people of lower economic standing to use letters to communicate with each others and for local administration purposes. Telegram and Telephone had already been invented, but they were no

Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change?

  Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change? School is a place where the young generations are bestowed with knowledge and wit. It is a place of education and learning where various subjects are taught to the students without keeping in mind their religion, gender or race. It is the place where everyone is equal and everyone has equal opportunity to get fundamental knowledge in each major subjects.  There are various subjects that are taught in the school. Majority of the subjects are taught in written form as practical lessons would be not possible to conduct for such a large number of students for each subject. But there is one subject that is taught mostly practically in our school and that is Sports.  During the sports period, the students are made to the warm up exercises before the match (which are usually regional games). During the first few classes, w

Write a story with two students and a teacher as main characters

Write a story with two students and a teacher as main characters There are many instances in which students have to be admitted to a new school or college long after the semester has begun due to various reasons. The reasons could be relocation to another city, seeking better facilities and education or looking for cheaper options.  Due to the mid-semester admissions, the child has to face several hardships and it significantly impacts their mental health and overall performance. The new surroundings of the school could overwhelm them or they could struggle to get familiar with new classmates or teachers. Many students also struggle to keep up with the class work, complete the syllabus and complete homework. The teaching methods of a particular teacher always differ from others, so new students always find it hard to grasp the important points and key concepts. Something like this happened to me too. It was the last working week before the summer vacation. Our teacher, Mr. Singh announ

You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life.

You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life. It was raining quite a lot on the 22nd of December, which was unusual during chilly winter months.  I was fast asleep in my bed with a giant white-colored blanket covering my whole body. If someone had seen me, they would have said that I looked like those white silk cocoons. Last night, I was playing games till the hour hand of my bedroom clock struck three. I was tired and feeling sleepy as I was playing probably my 15th multiplayer match. My team had won six or seven games as I recall. It was enough for the day. So we decided to continue the match on next Saturday night.  It was almost noon. I didn't say the time on the clock but I can say for sure. The soft warmth of a winter day made the time obvious. I heard a

Some people like to live in a small town. Others prefer living in a big city. Describe which place you would like to live in. Why?

Some people like to live in a small town. Others prefer living in a big city. Describe which place you would like to live in. Why?   Humans have a habit of living together as a community. Some prefer to live in big cities while others prefer living in a small town. Both places have advantages and disadvantages for their settlers. Cities are usually overcrowded and polluted. They also host several important buildings and centers. On the other hand, towns are small inhabited areas that are sparsely populated and located in the exterior areas. In cities, the residents are mostly engaged in non-agricultural jobs like business, state service, finance, and others. Cities are generally said to have better transportation, education, and medical facilities. Cities are located near industrial areas so they are more developed. There are lots of advantages to living in a big, but I still prefer to live in a small town.  Towns are small in size and there are fewer residents living in them, but this

Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds and smells that you would typically see, hear and experience at different times of the day? When do you most enjoy the view? Early in the morning, in the evening or late at night?

  Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds, and smells that you would typically see, hear, and experience at different times of the day? When do you most enjoy the view? Early in the morning, in the evening, or late at night? A bedroom window is the source of many sights. They can be the scenes of beautiful parks blooming with various flowers or busy streets with honking vehicles disturbing the tranquility and peace of the surroundings. Everyone has a unique experience when they have nothing to do but stare outside the open window. Those who are lucky to enjoy the view of parks from their windows typically like to watch it during the early morning while those having a busy street enjoy the night view when there are fewer vehicles and the air is a little bit cleaner. My bedroom window shows neither a park nor a busy street, but I can still enjoy the pleasant view of flowers in the morning. I can see
