
Showing posts with the label essays

Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change?

  Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change? School is a place where the young generations are bestowed with knowledge and wit. It is a place of education and learning where various subjects are taught to the students without keeping in mind their religion, gender or race. It is the place where everyone is equal and everyone has equal opportunity to get fundamental knowledge in each major subjects.  There are various subjects that are taught in the school. Majority of the subjects are taught in written form as practical lessons would be not possible to conduct for such a large number of students for each subject. But there is one subject that is taught mostly practically in our school and that is Sports.  During the sports period, the students are made to the warm up exercises before the match (which are usually regional games). During the first few classes, w

Write a story with two students and a teacher as main characters

Write a story with two students and a teacher as main characters There are many instances in which students have to be admitted to a new school or college long after the semester has begun due to various reasons. The reasons could be relocation to another city, seeking better facilities and education or looking for cheaper options.  Due to the mid-semester admissions, the child has to face several hardships and it significantly impacts their mental health and overall performance. The new surroundings of the school could overwhelm them or they could struggle to get familiar with new classmates or teachers. Many students also struggle to keep up with the class work, complete the syllabus and complete homework. The teaching methods of a particular teacher always differ from others, so new students always find it hard to grasp the important points and key concepts. Something like this happened to me too. It was the last working week before the summer vacation. Our teacher, Mr. Singh announ

You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life.

You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life. It was raining quite a lot on the 22nd of December, which was unusual during chilly winter months.  I was fast asleep in my bed with a giant white-colored blanket covering my whole body. If someone had seen me, they would have said that I looked like those white silk cocoons. Last night, I was playing games till the hour hand of my bedroom clock struck three. I was tired and feeling sleepy as I was playing probably my 15th multiplayer match. My team had won six or seven games as I recall. It was enough for the day. So we decided to continue the match on next Saturday night.  It was almost noon. I didn't say the time on the clock but I can say for sure. The soft warmth of a winter day made the time obvious. I heard a

Some people like to live in a small town. Others prefer living in a big city. Describe which place you would like to live in. Why?

Some people like to live in a small town. Others prefer living in a big city. Describe which place you would like to live in. Why?   Humans have a habit of living together as a community. Some prefer to live in big cities while others prefer living in a small town. Both places have advantages and disadvantages for their settlers. Cities are usually overcrowded and polluted. They also host several important buildings and centers. On the other hand, towns are small inhabited areas that are sparsely populated and located in the exterior areas. In cities, the residents are mostly engaged in non-agricultural jobs like business, state service, finance, and others. Cities are generally said to have better transportation, education, and medical facilities. Cities are located near industrial areas so they are more developed. There are lots of advantages to living in a big, but I still prefer to live in a small town.  Towns are small in size and there are fewer residents living in them, but this

Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds and smells that you would typically see, hear and experience at different times of the day? When do you most enjoy the view? Early in the morning, in the evening or late at night?

  Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds, and smells that you would typically see, hear, and experience at different times of the day? When do you most enjoy the view? Early in the morning, in the evening, or late at night? A bedroom window is the source of many sights. They can be the scenes of beautiful parks blooming with various flowers or busy streets with honking vehicles disturbing the tranquility and peace of the surroundings. Everyone has a unique experience when they have nothing to do but stare outside the open window. Those who are lucky to enjoy the view of parks from their windows typically like to watch it during the early morning while those having a busy street enjoy the night view when there are fewer vehicles and the air is a little bit cleaner. My bedroom window shows neither a park nor a busy street, but I can still enjoy the pleasant view of flowers in the morning. I can see

Describe a moment of pure joy or awe you experienced, using your words to paint a picture of the scene and evoke the emotions you felt

Describe a moment of pure joy or awe you experienced, using your words to paint a picture of the scene and evoke the emotions you felt. Everyone has a moment that gives joy and eternal bliss. Some never forget those moments till the end of their lives while others keep looking for new moments to add to their collection. These moments could be anything like a journey during the summer vacation, a beautiful sunset scene, the ending of a novel, time spent with friends or children, an unimaginable dream, and lots more. The moment that gives me pure joy is none of the above-mentioned, it is very different and unique, yet I can say with confidence beaming through my entire body that my moment is the happiest of them all. It is not the fun of a journey during the hot summers or cold winters, it is not an emotional ending of a novel, and it is neither enjoying a show. It is simple yet so profound that it left a joyful mark on my heart so that I would not even think of ever forgetting it.  It w

Write a composition describing a change that you would like to make in your school if you were given an opportunity. How this change will benefit your school.

A school is a place where children are sent from an early age to gain knowledge and get a fundamental learning of different crafts. He not only gets an education but also learns etiquette and behaviors. Schools are crucial for building responsible individuals and for that reason, they need to regularly implement changes and policies that will be best for the development of the young students.  A school is the best place where the fundamentals in the different fields are taught which will be useful in the future. In modern times, skills-based learning is vital for the successful future of a student. Students not only need to learn a fixed set of skills, but they also need to learn to learn new things and to customize their skills to fit the work at that time. The world is rapidly changing and traditional learning cannot keep up with it for a long time. The introduction of skill-based learning improves the overall learning experience for the students and makes the study more

"No other subject taught in school is as important as Moral Science." Express your views for or against this statement

For the statement "No other subject taught in school is as important as Moral Science." Express your views for or against this statement A school is where the youngsters are taught the fundamentals in every major subject. They are taught Mathematics, Science, English, Computer Science, and regional language - in India Hindi is taught in most schools. Children till primary schools are taught Moral Science, but in higher grades, it needs to be given more or sometimes no attention. The school forgets how this important subject can help the students to become a better person.  Children are enrolled in schools at an early age. They do not know the ethics and behaviours at such an age. Therefore, it is the responsibility of both - schools and the parents - to teach the children these basic yet important lessons. A person without ethics is no better than a non-living rock. Trees also have ethics; every living organism does. Therefore, it becomes crucial to teach the children the eth

Write a composition describing the changes that you observed in yourself as compared to your childhood. Which among these are positive and which you would like to remain the same?

Changes that you observed in yourself as compared to your childhood Change is an inevitable aspect of life - the law of nature. It is a force that shapes and moulds our lives. From the moment we enter this world as wide-eyed children to the complex beings we become in adulthood, our journey is marked by a series of transformations. These changes - whether they are subtle or profound - play a pivotal role in defining our identity and shaping how we navigate the world around us. The changes which we go through during our lifetime develop us mentally, physically, and emotionally. It influences our perspectives, personality, and response to the various challenges presented by life. I am no exception to this crucial rule of nature. During my lifetime, I have gone through several changes. Some changes were positives, while others were negatives; some left a massive impact on me, and some were too subtle to notice. One of the prominent changes which I went through was to open up to everyone.

Working women make better mothers

Working women make better mothers Humans are one of the best creations of God. He created men and women with different bodies and purposes. It is a common belief among people that men are tough and women are delicate, so men should go out and earn a living for the family while women should stay at home and look after the family. It is wrong. Both are created equally with equal talents and potential. In this essay, I will write in support of the statement, "Working women make better mothers." Women are bestowed a special gift by God. The ability to give birth. This makes them special and in some cases better than men, but it has become a common belief in some orthodox societies that giving birth is their sole purpose. These societies restrict them from being financially independent and having a job. We should understand that women are special and more capable. Working mothers are financially autonomous so they can make decisions that are best for their children without thinkin

Diwali 2023: Celebrating the festival by spreading love and embracing togetherness

Diwali 2023: Celebrating the festival by spreading love and embracing togetherness Diwali, the festival of light, is celebrated each year to mark the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.  It is a festival not limited by culture, religion, or country. Today, we set aside our differences and pray for universal peace and prosperity.  The festival is celebrated by lighting diyas, making rangolis outside houses, and of course with bursting crackers.  The diyas that we light resemble the hope and prayers of joy and happiness of our and also others.  The rangolis made at the doors of the houses are a symbol that today we set aside our differences and everyone, even our enemy, is welcome to celebrate the festival of lights with us. The lighting of firecrackers, even though wasn't a part of the original Diwali tradition, has evolved to become the message of joy. We burst crackers with our neighbors, without keeping in mind their class, caste, sex, or race. When we light a rock

Let's celebrate Diwali this year like it was meant to be celebrated

Let's celebrate Diwali this year like it was meant to be celebrated Firstly, I want to wish each of you a radiant and joy-filled Diwali. Whether you celebrate it or not, whether you follow a different religion, today is the day we share love and pray for peace and happiness. Diwali is the time when we transcend cultural, religious, and political boundaries, opening our hearts even to our enemies. Diwali, the festival of lights, symbolizes the victory of good over evil. It is one of the most anticipated and widely celebrated festivals in India and worldwide. This joyous occasion marks the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. The main reason behind Diwali's celebration lies in its association with the epic Ramayana, which narrates the return of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and loyal companion Lakshmana, to their kingdom of Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya welcomed their beloved prince by lighting oil lamps, or diyas, to dis

The Dark Side of AI: A Human Enemy, Not a Friend

The Dark Side of AI: A Human Enemy, Not a Friend Title: The Dark Side of AI: A Human Enemy, Not a Friend Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undeniably revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact. However, it is essential to recognize that this technological marvel poses a substantial threat to humanity. Rather than being a benevolent friend, AI has the potential to become a formidable enemy, jeopardizing the very fabric of our existence. Body Paragraph 1: Lack of Ethical Boundaries AI, driven by algorithms and machine learning, lacks the moral compass that defines human decision-making. While humans can empathize, AI operates solely based on data and patterns, often leading to unethical outcomes. Instances of biased algorithms and discriminatory AI systems have already been documented, highlighting the inherent dangers of entrusting critical decisions to machines. Body Paragraph 2: Job Displacement and Economic Disruption The rapid advancement of AI technology has le

Describe living in another planet. Martian Dreams: Navigating Challenges in the Pursuit of Living on Another Planet

Living on another planet Humans have been dreaming of living a life on another planet since they even ventured out into space and since the discovery of outer space by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers. The idea took its wings and humans became ambitious about it after the English mathematician and astronomer Thomas Digges proposed in 1576 the idea of an infinite universe. For years, living on another planet has been the central theme of our science-fiction books and movies, but in the previous century, the curiosity to explore space and find a suitable planet for human habitation increased. This idea of looking for another habitable planet mainly started because of curiosity but it is now becoming a necessity due to the depletion of resources on Earth, and the deteriorating climate of our planet. The Soviet Union was the first country to reach space by launching the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957. The human knowledge of space improved significantly durin

That Special Friend: Always Kind and Forgiving

That Special Friend: Always Kind and Forgiving "The world is a cruel place" This statement cannot be more true in modern times. In the hustle and bustle of the streets of life, we meet a lot of strangers. There was a time when even strangers were respected and talked with the same tone as a family member, but the ravenous nature of humans has resulted in the loss of that centuries-old tradition. That was the time when kindness and mercy were seen as an attribute of God himself, but nowadays these fundamental natures of human beings have only been left to words rather than the deep and powerful emotions. "Change is the rule of nature" you will say, but the fundamental properties never change. They might be suppressed, but they are the building blocks, this truth will never change. "Not everyone is like that" You will say and yes that is true. I have witnessed one exception myself. It is you, my dearest friend, to whom I am dedicating this writing. I remembe

What Superpower will I Choose: The Empowering Potential of Remorse Induction

What Superpower Will I Choose? Superpowers are the special abilities or powers the heroes or villains of a fictional book or in a movie have. These abilities make them different from the rest of the population. Superpowers have always been a source of inspiration and fascination for human minds. Whether it's super strength, the ability to fly, telekinesis, or shapeshifting, each superpower holds its unique significance. It's up to the wielder to decide whether to use their powers for the benefit of others or to sow chaos. Since childhood, I wanted to become a hero. I wanted to help the elderly, children, and all those who are in trouble. I wanted to provide them relief, not only from the villains but also from the evils of the world and society. If I were chosen to help others and granted the ability to choose my superpower, my answer would have evolved over the years. In my younger years, I might have wished for super strength, while during my teenage years, I might have desir

You visited a heritage site with your classmates and teachers. Describe what you saw and learned from your visit.

Essay on visit to a Heritage Site A heritage site is a landmark or a monument of historical importance. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) administers such sites. They can help us to learn a lot of things about the history and culture of a place. A Heritage site is not only limited to a monument or a landmark but also includes ancient ruins, structures, buildings, cities, deserts, forests, islands, lakes, mountains, and wilderness areas. Schools and Colleges frequently plan a trip to heritage sites to teach the students about their significance, structure, importance, and features. Heritage sites date back several centuries and help students learn about ancient architecture. Students can also learn about primitive ways of living, culture, and faith by visiting and studying these heritage sites. I recently visited a World Heritage site with my classmates and teachers as a part of my school trip for summer vacation. We visited the Konark Sun Temple

What type of friend would you like to have, someone who is rich, someone who is helpful or someone who is reliable? Describe which are the characteristics that are most important for you and why?

A friend is one of the greatest assets of a human being. He is a companion to whom we can look for assistance and support. He celebrates our joy and consoles us when we are sad. He takes part in our hobbies, encourages us and motivates us. He is the one who cheers us up in our hard times. He has an immense amount of influence on our daily life. A friend is one of the most crucial parts of human life. It is important to decide whom we choose to be our friend, for we tend to implement the behaviours and characteristics of our close ones in ourselves. In this harsh world, finding a good friend is as important as finding a source of income, for a good friend can not only assist us, but he can teach us, guide us, and just like the parents scold us if we ever do something wrong. A good friend can be the most influential mentor in one's life, second only to parents and teachers. I would choose a reliable friend if I had to choose someone rich, helpful or reliable. A "reliable" f

Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?

Summers are getting hotter with each passing year Essay on "Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?" India is famous all around the world for its different seasons and extreme as well as pleasant climate. The unique features of the Indian subcontinent are found nowhere else. India mainly experiences five seasons Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn and Winter. Summer is considered the best among other seasons by the Indians, but its popularity is decreasing drastically each day as the temperatures are constantly increasing because of climate change. Summer is when the country experiences most death because of extreme weather conditions. It is becoming unbearable for the people as the day temperatures outside reach 50°C. Summer was often associated with fun and enjoyment, but that is not the case anymore. Summers are one of the most excitin

“Prayer does not change things. It changes people and people change things.” What do you think about the saying? Describe an incident from your personal experience to prove your point.

Prayer does not change things. It changes people Prayer is a form of communication or spiritual practice in which individuals or communities express their thoughts, emotions, desires, gratitude, or supplications to a higher power, deity, or spiritual entity. It is a way to connect with the divine, seek guidance, offer praise, or request assistance. Prayers are performed differently depending on which part of the world one is in. People can perform them by writing, singing, reciting, speaking aloud, or in private in front of a priest. Prayers can be individual or communal, occurring in personal moments of solitude, during religious ceremonies, or as part of organized gatherings. The content of prayer may vary depending on the purpose and beliefs of the person or group offering it. Prayers can encompass many themes, including expressions of gratitude, requests for blessings, forgiveness, healing, protection, guidance, or strength during challenging times. They can also include prayers fo
