
Diwali 2023: Celebrating the festival by spreading love and embracing togetherness

Diwali 2023: Celebrating the festival by spreading love and embracing togetherness Diwali, the festival of light, is celebrated each year to mark the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.  It is a festival not limited by culture, religion, or country. Today, we set aside our differences and pray for universal peace and prosperity.  The festival is celebrated by lighting diyas, making rangolis outside houses, and of course with bursting crackers.  The diyas that we light resemble the hope and prayers of joy and happiness of our and also others.  The rangolis made at the doors of the houses are a symbol that today we set aside our differences and everyone, even our enemy, is welcome to celebrate the festival of lights with us. The lighting of firecrackers, even though wasn't a part of the original Diwali tradition, has evolved to become the message of joy. We burst crackers with our neighbors, without keeping in mind their class, caste, sex, or race. When we light a rock

PM Modi celebrated Diwali with soldiers in Himachal's Lepcha

PM Modi addresses troops in Himachal Pradesh's Lepcha on Diwali Today is Diwali, and there is one person who celebrates it not just with his blood family but also with his hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters at the Border.  It is India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who celebrates Diwali each year with the brave soldiers of the Indian Army stationed at the Border regions.  This year PM Modi celebrated Diwali with soldiers in Lepcha in Himachal Pradesh, which is near the Chinese border. The Prime Minister, who reached the remote village on Sunday morning, called the experience of spending Diwali with "our brave security forces" in Lepcha "an experience filled with deep emotion and pride." He said, "Away from their families, these guardians of our nation illuminate our lives with their dedication." "The courage of our security forces is unwavering. Stationed in the toughest terrains, away from their loved ones, their sacrifice and ded

Let's celebrate Diwali this year like it was meant to be celebrated

Let's celebrate Diwali this year like it was meant to be celebrated Firstly, I want to wish each of you a radiant and joy-filled Diwali. Whether you celebrate it or not, whether you follow a different religion, today is the day we share love and pray for peace and happiness. Diwali is the time when we transcend cultural, religious, and political boundaries, opening our hearts even to our enemies. Diwali, the festival of lights, symbolizes the victory of good over evil. It is one of the most anticipated and widely celebrated festivals in India and worldwide. This joyous occasion marks the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. The main reason behind Diwali's celebration lies in its association with the epic Ramayana, which narrates the return of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and loyal companion Lakshmana, to their kingdom of Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya welcomed their beloved prince by lighting oil lamps, or diyas, to dis

4,400 children died in Gaza because of Isreali air strikes; French President Macron condemns

4,400 Children dead in Gaza When innocent lives - like that of children and women - are lost, it is the saddest thing in the war. Buildings can be made again, lands can be acquired again, and armies can be rebuilt, but the lives lost can never be brought back.  According to recent reports around 4,400 children have been reported dead due to Israeli air strikes in Gaza. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has said there is “no justification” for the Israeli bombing of babies, women and elderly people in Gaza. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has said there is “no justification” for the Israeli bombing of babies, women and elderly people in Gaza. Israel must stop bombing Gaza and killing civilians, French President Emmanuel Macron told the BBC in an interview published late on Friday. Macron said there was "no justification" for the bombing and said a ceasefire would benefit Israel. He said that France "clearly condemns" the "terrorist" actions of H

Harmonies of Self-Discovery: A Journey from Words to College

Hey, so imagine this – life's this crazy rollercoaster, right? Growing up, I was just a tiny player in this giant game of existence. But then came high school, and bam! Everything got real. Juggling classes, dealing with the drama, and trying to figure out who I am – it's like a maze of self-discovery. In the midst of it all, one thing became clear – I love words. Not just the fancy ones you find in textbooks, but the messy, authentic ones that spill out when you're trying to express yourself. Writing became my escape, my way of making sense of the chaos. Whether it's crafting a killer essay or pouring my heart out in a journal, words became my allies. Now, here I am, standing at the crossroads of the future. College is the next big adventure, and I'm ready to dive in. I want to surround myself with people who get that words have power – power to connect, to inspire, to change the game. So, let me in, and let's turn this rollercoaster ride into a literary master

The Dark Side of AI: A Human Enemy, Not a Friend

The Dark Side of AI: A Human Enemy, Not a Friend Title: The Dark Side of AI: A Human Enemy, Not a Friend Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undeniably revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact. However, it is essential to recognize that this technological marvel poses a substantial threat to humanity. Rather than being a benevolent friend, AI has the potential to become a formidable enemy, jeopardizing the very fabric of our existence. Body Paragraph 1: Lack of Ethical Boundaries AI, driven by algorithms and machine learning, lacks the moral compass that defines human decision-making. While humans can empathize, AI operates solely based on data and patterns, often leading to unethical outcomes. Instances of biased algorithms and discriminatory AI systems have already been documented, highlighting the inherent dangers of entrusting critical decisions to machines. Body Paragraph 2: Job Displacement and Economic Disruption The rapid advancement of AI technology has le

Stubble Burning: The major cause of the poor air quality in Delhi

New Delhi has become one of the most polluted cities on the planet again. New Delhi has become one of the most polluted cities on the planet again. The main reason for the air pollution in the national capital region is the burning of stubble. Stubble burning is a major contributor to Delhi's deteriorating air quality. The data from the Commission on Air Quality Management report suggests.  Stubble refers to the left stalk of wheat, rice, or any other crop after it has been harvested.  The stubble is hard to remove with hands, so fire is put to burn them, which releases a lot of smoke, deteriorating the air quality of that area and nearby regions are also affected by it. Due to the wind movements, the smoke from the burned stubble of Haryana and Punjab enters the National Capital Region and mainly pollutes the environment of the Indian capital, New Delhi.  Stubble burning contributed about 38% to the air pollution level on 8 November, according to the data presented during a meetin

Describe living in another planet. Martian Dreams: Navigating Challenges in the Pursuit of Living on Another Planet

Living on another planet Humans have been dreaming of living a life on another planet since they even ventured out into space and since the discovery of outer space by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers. The idea took its wings and humans became ambitious about it after the English mathematician and astronomer Thomas Digges proposed in 1576 the idea of an infinite universe. For years, living on another planet has been the central theme of our science-fiction books and movies, but in the previous century, the curiosity to explore space and find a suitable planet for human habitation increased. This idea of looking for another habitable planet mainly started because of curiosity but it is now becoming a necessity due to the depletion of resources on Earth, and the deteriorating climate of our planet. The Soviet Union was the first country to reach space by launching the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957. The human knowledge of space improved significantly durin

That Special Friend: Always Kind and Forgiving

That Special Friend: Always Kind and Forgiving "The world is a cruel place" This statement cannot be more true in modern times. In the hustle and bustle of the streets of life, we meet a lot of strangers. There was a time when even strangers were respected and talked with the same tone as a family member, but the ravenous nature of humans has resulted in the loss of that centuries-old tradition. That was the time when kindness and mercy were seen as an attribute of God himself, but nowadays these fundamental natures of human beings have only been left to words rather than the deep and powerful emotions. "Change is the rule of nature" you will say, but the fundamental properties never change. They might be suppressed, but they are the building blocks, this truth will never change. "Not everyone is like that" You will say and yes that is true. I have witnessed one exception myself. It is you, my dearest friend, to whom I am dedicating this writing. I remembe

What Superpower will I Choose: The Empowering Potential of Remorse Induction

What Superpower Will I Choose? Superpowers are the special abilities or powers the heroes or villains of a fictional book or in a movie have. These abilities make them different from the rest of the population. Superpowers have always been a source of inspiration and fascination for human minds. Whether it's super strength, the ability to fly, telekinesis, or shapeshifting, each superpower holds its unique significance. It's up to the wielder to decide whether to use their powers for the benefit of others or to sow chaos. Since childhood, I wanted to become a hero. I wanted to help the elderly, children, and all those who are in trouble. I wanted to provide them relief, not only from the villains but also from the evils of the world and society. If I were chosen to help others and granted the ability to choose my superpower, my answer would have evolved over the years. In my younger years, I might have wished for super strength, while during my teenage years, I might have desir

The October Killings Chapter 2

Tragic Loss Strikes Family as Sole Breadwinner Found Dead in Ranchi Truth Finder Staff Ranchi, Oct 2, 2022: In the capital of Jharkhand lived a joyful family of four members. Mr Arjun Patel, the Director of Education for the State Government of Jharkhand was the sole breadwinner of the family.  Mr Arjun reportedly went missing yesterday morning when he went for his regular morning walk at 6 a.m. When he did not return after 4 hours, his wife Sudha Patel started calling his friends and sent out their eldest son to look for him, reports Vaibhav Kumar. "We called his friends and I sent our eldest son to look for him," said the housemaker.  Locals of 7th Street found a body around 11 p.m. near the southwest Ranchi canal.  "We received a call around 11 at night. We were told that someone was lying near the 7th Street. This place does not witness many crimes. Initially, we thought that it was probably some drunk person," said sub-inspector Rajesh Singh who has been assig

Diary: I felt so good after preparing my best after such a long time.

Feeling better after a long time I had been not focusing on my studies for a long time. I decided yesterday that I would prepare two chapters from two different subjects. I studied Climate in Geography and HCl in Chemistry. I had never felt this better for a long time. I had always liked the feeling of preparing the chapter before it was taught in school and then answering it in class.  I had read the chapter and learned every point. Today, when my sir in the tuition was explaining the chapter I was able to answer all the questions he asked. I had so much fun discussing with my friends about different questions and teasing them with my questions. I also prepared 20 questions from the climate chapter for my friends. I will include them in a separate post. I remember all the points so well. I am not able to describe the emotions but I felt really good like before just as I used to feel when I knew every answer, like "I am the God. Ask me anything." It is 12:52 am at the time of

India abstained in the United Nations General Assembly resolution on Israel-Hamas conflict. Know why

  India Deputy Envoy to UN Yojna Patel Jordan proposed a resolution for an “immediate, durable, and sustained humanitarian truce” between Israeli forces and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority of 120 members while 14 voted against and 45 abstained. The Republic of India decided not to vote in the UN General Assembly resolution that called for an immediate humanitarian truce in the Israel-Hamas war. India gave the reason for its abstention saying that the resolution did not mention Hamas and that the UN needs to send a clear message against terror. "We hope that the deliberations of this assembly will send a clear message against terror and violence and expand prospects for diplomacy and dialogue while addressing the humanitarian crisis that confronts us," said India's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Yojna Patel. The draft resolution had called for an immediate truce in the conflict and unhindered

Robert Card, the main suspect in the Maine mass shooting, found dead

Robert Card can be seen shooting If mass shootings happen in countries like Pakistan - which is very well true - but if the same thing happens in the United States, we do not see it as an act of terror just because people can buy firearms legally in the US and 26 states allow to carry guns without a permit - Florida passing the legislation recently.  Another mass shooting took place in the US. This time the sad incident occurred in Lewiston City, Maine state.   The gunfire broke out shortly before 7 p.m. (Maine local time) and left 18 people dead and nearly 60 injured. The attack happened on Wednesday night at a local bar and a bowling alley in the small town of Lewiston. The suspect in the mass shooting was identified as Robert Card, a firearms instructor in the US Army Reserve who was recently discharged from a mental health facility after reporting hallucinations. Maine State Police released the photographs and other details of the suspect. Seven people were killed at the bowling al

Diary: 28th October 2023. I should start focusing on studies

I should start focusing on studies A couple of weeks ago, I had my second terminal exam and it did not go well. The results are yet to come. I had performed worse in the first terminal and this term my biology and chemistry papers went very badly.  My concentrations from studies are fading away. There are a lot of reasons for this but one of the biggest distractions is my digital devices like my mobile phone.  I had a ten-day vacation after the exam ended and I wasted all these days on the phone. I could recall that when my second-term examinations were still going, I had thought that I would study hard in the holidays after the exam, but I certainly failed to do so. I wasted most of my time watching Anime and YouTube videos and reading useless novels that were of no single importance to me according to my curriculum. I am feeling so bad and I am also shocked at how I became like this. I spend hours chatting with my friends and when they go for lunch or study sessions, I wait for them

PM Rishi Sunak said UK will set up World's first AI safety Institute

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delivers a speech on AI at Royal Society, Carlton House Terrace on Oct. 26, 2023 in London, England. The world is evolving. We are developing new technologies. Artificial Intelligence is getting better each day. With its advancements, the risks posed by Artificial Intelligence are also increasing.  As we witness the rapid developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, we also need to consider the potential risks that Artificial Intelligence and its uses pose. United Kingdom's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Thursday addressed these concerns and warned of the risk of Artificial Intelligence. The warning comes as the UK is preparing for a global summit where policies of safety around technologies will be discussed. The UK wants to take a global role and emerge as a leader in the implementation and regulations of technologies. Sunak said in a speech that AI “will bring a transformation as far-reaching as the industrial revo

8 former Indian Navy Officers Got Death Sentence in Qatar

Eight former Indian Navy Officers were arrested last year in August 2022 on the charges of allegedly spying by Qatar authorities.  They have been convicted and given a death sentence on the allegation of spying for Israel. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has called it "shocking." The foreign ministry also said it would not comment much on the case given the "confidential nature of proceedings" but assured that it would contest the case. The men, including decorated officers who once commanded major Indian warships, were working for Dahra Global Technologies and Consultancy Services, a private firm that provided training and related services to Qatar's armed forces. Sources said some of them were working on a highly sensitive project -- Italian technology-based midget submarines with stealth characteristics. The men have been in jail since August 2022. Granted consular access to them, New Delhi has been working to secure their release. The men went to tri

You visited a heritage site with your classmates and teachers. Describe what you saw and learned from your visit.

Essay on visit to a Heritage Site A heritage site is a landmark or a monument of historical importance. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) administers such sites. They can help us to learn a lot of things about the history and culture of a place. A Heritage site is not only limited to a monument or a landmark but also includes ancient ruins, structures, buildings, cities, deserts, forests, islands, lakes, mountains, and wilderness areas. Schools and Colleges frequently plan a trip to heritage sites to teach the students about their significance, structure, importance, and features. Heritage sites date back several centuries and help students learn about ancient architecture. Students can also learn about primitive ways of living, culture, and faith by visiting and studying these heritage sites. I recently visited a World Heritage site with my classmates and teachers as a part of my school trip for summer vacation. We visited the Konark Sun Temple

What type of friend would you like to have, someone who is rich, someone who is helpful or someone who is reliable? Describe which are the characteristics that are most important for you and why?

A friend is one of the greatest assets of a human being. He is a companion to whom we can look for assistance and support. He celebrates our joy and consoles us when we are sad. He takes part in our hobbies, encourages us and motivates us. He is the one who cheers us up in our hard times. He has an immense amount of influence on our daily life. A friend is one of the most crucial parts of human life. It is important to decide whom we choose to be our friend, for we tend to implement the behaviours and characteristics of our close ones in ourselves. In this harsh world, finding a good friend is as important as finding a source of income, for a good friend can not only assist us, but he can teach us, guide us, and just like the parents scold us if we ever do something wrong. A good friend can be the most influential mentor in one's life, second only to parents and teachers. I would choose a reliable friend if I had to choose someone rich, helpful or reliable. A "reliable" f

Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?

Summers are getting hotter with each passing year Essay on "Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?" India is famous all around the world for its different seasons and extreme as well as pleasant climate. The unique features of the Indian subcontinent are found nowhere else. India mainly experiences five seasons Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn and Winter. Summer is considered the best among other seasons by the Indians, but its popularity is decreasing drastically each day as the temperatures are constantly increasing because of climate change. Summer is when the country experiences most death because of extreme weather conditions. It is becoming unbearable for the people as the day temperatures outside reach 50°C. Summer was often associated with fun and enjoyment, but that is not the case anymore. Summers are one of the most excitin

“Prayer does not change things. It changes people and people change things.” What do you think about the saying? Describe an incident from your personal experience to prove your point.

Prayer does not change things. It changes people Prayer is a form of communication or spiritual practice in which individuals or communities express their thoughts, emotions, desires, gratitude, or supplications to a higher power, deity, or spiritual entity. It is a way to connect with the divine, seek guidance, offer praise, or request assistance. Prayers are performed differently depending on which part of the world one is in. People can perform them by writing, singing, reciting, speaking aloud, or in private in front of a priest. Prayers can be individual or communal, occurring in personal moments of solitude, during religious ceremonies, or as part of organized gatherings. The content of prayer may vary depending on the purpose and beliefs of the person or group offering it. Prayers can encompass many themes, including expressions of gratitude, requests for blessings, forgiveness, healing, protection, guidance, or strength during challenging times. They can also include prayers fo

My First Road Trip

  My First Road Trip "A Road Trip is a long journey on an automobile." The definition in my dictionary reads, but I would like to add much more to it. It is not just a road journey where you enjoy the outside scenery while you sit inside your car or where you can enjoy the experience of driving at hundred miles per hour. It is a journey where you form memories with your families and friends; you form deeper bonds with them and enjoy being "social" in the real world and not on social media. Road Trips become more significant in this digital age when youths are getting away from each other and where they have created a different meaning of socialising. It is also one of the reasons why until recently, I have never been on a road trip. It was February of 2022. The weather was bitterly cold, and my final exams had just ended. On the Friday of the third week of the month, my father came home after work as usual, and out of the blue, he announced to us that he and his fri

Imagine that you were all alone at home on a winter night. Suddenly there was thunder, lightning and heavy rain. There was no electricity, and the inverter in your house stopped working. Narrate how you felt and what you did at that time.

An image of a house in winter covered with snow Staying alone at home is the experience every teenager craves to get once. It is a different adventure, for you can do whatever you want, like playing games at high volumes, running all around the house, and exploring the restricted parts like the garage and basement. But as the saying goes, "The biggest adventure does not take long to become the greatest nightmare". Something like this happened to me recently when I had gone to stay in my father's childhood home for the winter holidays in Himachal Pradesh. My grandfather built the house in the small and sparsely populated yet beautiful village of Kangra. We often choose it as our tourist destination because of its heavenly landscapes and majestic mountains. We headed there this time not just to spend the holidays but also to attend the marriage ceremony of my cousin. I had a severe stomach ache on the wedding day, so my parents had to leave me at home and go to the wedding.
