Essay on Euthanasia and How to Deal with It

Euthanasia means ending one's life to relieve suffering. It is also known as "mercy killing." It is usually performed on patients suffering from a disease or an injury for years, and their way of living is highly affected by those sufferings. It is also a way of reducing the burden on the family when they cannot afford the costly medicines needed for the remedy of the disease or illness. It is not limited to humans. Many pets-owners go with the difficult option of euthanasia or mercy killing to end the suffering of their beloved pets.

Euthanasia is a tough decision, and dealing with its aftermath is difficult. If someone close to you has voluntarily opted for euthanasia or has been suggested by the doctor to go with the option, it can be hard to deal with the situation. It should be understood that the person or pet is suffering from excruciating pain or incurable diseases. It is good to grieve the loss of a loved one, but you should not grieve forever and move on from their loss. It is good to talk with friends, relatives or other loved ones. Going through old photographs and thinking about the good times you have spent together can prevent you from feeling alone. Try to seek professional help if the feelings interfere with your daily life.

Euthanasia is a controversial practice and is banned in many countries. It is not always in the best interest of the person to go with euthanasia, and with a little more care could cure the illness. It discourages the development of new treatments and medicines. Authorities should make sure that euthanasia should be practised in extreme conditions only.

Written by Mayank Vikash

Published on Thursday, 18th May 2023 at 10:05 IST

Last updated Thursday, May 18. at 10:06 IST



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