Let's celebrate Diwali this year like it was meant to be celebrated

Let's celebrate Diwali this year like it was meant to be celebrated
Let's celebrate Diwali this year like it was meant to be celebrated

Firstly, I want to wish each of you a radiant and joy-filled Diwali. Whether you celebrate it or not, whether you follow a different religion, today is the day we share love and pray for peace and happiness. Diwali is the time when we transcend cultural, religious, and political boundaries, opening our hearts even to our enemies.

Diwali, the festival of lights, symbolizes the victory of good over evil. It is one of the most anticipated and widely celebrated festivals in India and worldwide. This joyous occasion marks the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.

The main reason behind Diwali's celebration lies in its association with the epic Ramayana, which narrates the return of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and loyal companion Lakshmana, to their kingdom of Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya welcomed their beloved prince by lighting oil lamps, or diyas, to dispel the darkness and illuminate the path for their return. Diwali has since evolved into a multi-day celebration, marked by the lighting of lamps, vibrant decorations, feasting, and the exchange of gifts, symbolizing the victory of righteousness and the beginning of a period of joy and prosperity.

Today, Diwali is mainly seen as a festival of burning crackers rather than lighting diyas and spreading the message of happiness. Millions of crackers are burnt today. As we can see the devastating impact of this festival on our environment, we should switch to celebrating the festival as it used to be celebrated, that is, by lighting diyas.

Public opinion on this issue is widely divided. Some say burning crackers should be avoided, while others say cracker burning does not cause that much pollution.

Many countries, including the United States, have urged the Indian government to reduce pollution by putting a ban on firecrackers. The Indian citizen replies, "The US can test nuclear bombs; they can fund a whole war. There is no pollution in doing that."

Should we burst crackers or not? The answer is tough. Let's take a look at both views and then draw a conclusion from it.

If the Government of India puts a ban on the sale and manufacture of firecrackers, it will take the jobs of millions of workers, but also many factories in rural areas are employing child labour. 

Diwali comes only once a year, and the children get happy by bursting crackers. Wouldn't we be stealing their few moments of joy by putting a ban?

The National Capital Region has already made its place in the top position of the worst Air Quality Index. If we burn crackers, it will surely cause problems too.

The Supreme Court of India has put a ban on chained crackers and the use of barium salts, but is that enough?

The crackers create a lot of noise pollution. They affect the animals like dogs and birds. Even the smallest animals like ants are negatively affected by it. The explosion destroys the homes of ants and also kills several of them. The explosion can also hurt big animals, and also humans. There is also a constant danger of fire hazards while burning crackers.

I want to share what I saw today when I woke up and went outside for a walk. Hundreds of ants were leaving their home and they were spread everywhere in the park ground.

The crackers cause some serious problems and we should start dealing with them.

The local government should make laws on the ban of crackers and should only allow those who cause less pollution and green crackers. 

In conclusion, I must say that everyone has the right to live a few moments of joy by burning crackers.

But Diwali teaches us to follow the path of Lord Rama. He was a selfless person and always devoted his life to others. This Diwali we should also be selfless and think about the environment we live in.

Let's celebrate this Diwali with peace and love without harming other animals or causing any negative impact on the environment. 



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