will not publish new articles for the next few months or publish very few will not publish new articles for the next few months or publish very few will not publish new articles for the next few months or publish very few

If you are a regular reader of the site (for that I am very grateful to you), you might have noticed that I am not publishing any new articles nowadays or publishing very few. 

As you know, I am a student and I have to manage my studies along with running this site/publication.

I have my ICSE Pre-Boards from the 16th of December 2023 and in February of next year I will appear for my Std. 10 Boards Examinations. As you might have guessed, I have a lot of study pressure right now, and publishing here along with all the studies is a pretty difficult task.

I have my Progress Report Day tomorrow (commonly known as Report Card Day or Parent and Teacher's Meeting). I will write separately about that tomorrow.

I have lots of posts in the queue to write and publish and some are in drafts too, but on 16th of December next month I have my Maths exam so I have to prepare for that and because of that I am not getting any time. 

I will try to complete those stories and posts and post them here as soon as possible. Thanks again for reading this and being on my website.

- Mayank Vikash



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