23 candidates scored 100 NTA score in JEE-Main 2024


23 candidates scored 100 NTA score in JEE-Main 2024
23 candidates scored 100 NTA score in JEE-Main 2024

The joint Entrance Exam is one of the toughest exams in the entire world. It is a big achievement to even qualify for JEE Mains and appear for JEE Advance. 

This year, a record of 23 students in India have scored 100 in the JEE Mains Exam 2024 which was released on 12th February by the National Testing Agency. 

The Indian southern state of Telangana has the highest number of toppers which is 7 followed by Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

All of the toppers who scored 100 were male candidates. The female candidate is Dwija Dharmeshkumar Patel from Gujarat with a 99.9991763 NTA score.

The candidates who scored 100 NTA scores are Aarav Bhatt, Rishi Shekher Shukla, Shaik Suraj (OBC), Mukunth Prathish S (OBC), Madhav Bansal, Aryan Prakash, Ishaan Gupta, Aaditya Kumar, Rohan Sai Pabba, Parekh Meet Vikrambhai, Amogh Agrawal, Shivansh Nair, Thota Sai Karthik, Gajare Nilkrishna Nirmalkumar (OBC), Dakshesh Sanjay Mishra, Muthavarapu Anoop, Himanshu Thalor (OBC), Hundekar Vidith, Venkata Sai Teja Madineni, Ipsit Mittal, Annareddy Venkata Tanish Reddy, Sriyashas Mohan Kalluri, And Tavva Dinesh Reddy.NTA score is not the same as the percentage of marks obtained. The percentiles or NTA scores are normalised across multisession papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the examination in one session. The ranks of the candidates are released taking into consideration the best of the two NTA scores in accordance with the policy already in place. Paper 1 is for admission to BTech/ BE programmes in IITs, NITs and centrally-funded technical institutions (CFTIs).

Post conduct of both sessions (January and April) of the examination for Paper 1, the ranks of the candidates based on best of the two NTA scores.

The examination was conducted in 13 languages (Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu) across 544 Centres in 291Cities (including 21 cities outside India, of which in Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong, and Oslo for the first time).

Based on the results of JEE-Mains Paper 1 and Paper 2, around the top 2.6 lakh candidates will be eligible to appear for the JEE Advanced exam, which is a one-stop exam to get admission into the 23 premier Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).



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