Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Announced Rs 1 Lakh Crore for Tech-Savvy Youth

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Announced Rs 1 Lakh Crore for Tech-Savvy Youth
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Announced Rs 1 Lakh Crore for Tech-Savvy Youth

Millions of innovative tech ideas come up every year that can revolutionize industries and enhance human lives. These ideas emerge with a promise that could change the world if the right people work on it, and importantly, they get financial backing. However, a substantial portion of these ideas fail to make their way into the consumer's hands due to the lack of funding. Despite their potential to reshape the future, many innovative concepts fail to impress investors, thus unable to secure grants for their execution.

Addressing the deficit in funding allocated for innovative ideas is a challenge that necessitates our attention and concerted efforts. Keeping that in mind, the Indian Government has taken the initiative to help the young geniuses of the country.

In her Union Budget 2024 presentation, today, on February 1, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharman highlighted a promising outlook for the tech-savvy youth, stating that "this will be a golden era" for them. Finance Minister Sitharaman said, "For our tech-savvy youth, this will be a golden era. A corpus of Rs 1 lakh crore will be established with a 50-year interest-free loan provided. It will be for long-term financing or re-financing with low or nil interest rates." "We need to have programmes that combine the powers of our youth and technology," the minister added.

Finance Minister Sitharaman also announced that a new scheme will be launched "for strengthening deep-tech technologies for defence purposes and expediting 'atmanirbharta'."

Speaking on new-age tech, Sitharaman said, "New-age technologies and data are changing the lives of people and businesses. They are also enabling new economic opportunities and facilitating the provision of high-quality services at affordable prices for all, including those at the ‘bottom of the pyramid’."

She also expressed her gladness about the fact that India is leading the way in "showing solutions through innovation and entrepreneurship of its people." She added that opportunities for India and its citizens are expanding at the global level. 

India is expected to surpass Japan and become the third-largest economy by the year 2030. The tech startups will play a major role in bringing Foreign Direct Investments into the country and generating employment for India's massive population of 1.4 billion people.

The difficulty in convincing investors is one of the biggest issues faced by tech startups in developing countries like India and Vietnam. Some of India's startups rank in the top tier around the world in their respective fields and thus, have successfully created a reputation of Indian companies. 

In the Financial year 2022-2023, the total Foreign Direct Investment was $70.97 Billion and total FDI equity inflows stood at $46.03 Billion. The Service and the Computer Software and Hardware sectors received the highest FDI of 16% and 15% respectively. 

There have been many cases where a small startup was not able to expand due to the insecurities of the existing investors and their reluctance to take bold steps, but despite the restraints, the Indian entrepreneurs were able to bring their ideas into reality. They were able to bring products to the market which helped the people and also were profitable.



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