You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life.

You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life.
You wake up to the sound of an unusual noise coming from outside your window. Intrigued, you peek out and see a figure standing there, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. Write a story about this unexpected visitor and the impact they have on your life.

It was raining quite a lot on the 22nd of December, which was unusual during chilly winter months. 

I was fast asleep in my bed with a giant white-colored blanket covering my whole body. If someone had seen me, they would have said that I looked like those white silk cocoons.

Last night, I was playing games till the hour hand of my bedroom clock struck three. I was tired and feeling sleepy as I was playing probably my 15th multiplayer match. My team had won six or seven games as I recall. It was enough for the day. So we decided to continue the match on next Saturday night. 

It was almost noon. I didn't say the time on the clock but I can say for sure. The soft warmth of a winter day made the time obvious.

I heard a knock on my door. I thought it was probably the mailman. I got up. My hairs were not combed. I didn't even have a shirt on top. I went to the door and opened it. 

I was shocked to find out that the person who knocked wasn't the mailman. It was Mrs. Singh, my high school teacher. I quickly asked her to come in and sit while I ran towards the cupboard in my bedroom to pick a shirt.

I came back after 5 minutes. I greeted her and apologized too. She replied, "No dear, you don't need to apologize. It is your house and I am the one who showed up without even informing" and laughed. 

We talked for almost an hour. She said she was passing by the market when it suddenly started raining and she didn't have an umbrella. My house was just a 4-minute walk from the market, so she came here. 

Mrs Singh was one of the best teachers at school. She taught us physics and would always give us easy questions in the weekly tests. She helped every student understand the concepts and was friendly. 

I made tea for us. She liked it. We talked until the rain stopped and remembered all those moments.

When the rain stopped, I dropped her to her home. 

It was a pleasant experience. I got to refresh my old memories and I enjoyed the day.



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