Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change?


Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change?
Imagine a situation where you get an opportunity to change one thing in your school. What would it be? Why do you want to change it? How would you bring about the change?

School is a place where the young generations are bestowed with knowledge and wit. It is a place of education and learning where various subjects are taught to the students without keeping in mind their religion, gender or race. It is the place where everyone is equal and everyone has equal opportunity to get fundamental knowledge in each major subjects. 

There are various subjects that are taught in the school. Majority of the subjects are taught in written form as practical lessons would be not possible to conduct for such a large number of students for each subject. But there is one subject that is taught mostly practically in our school and that is Sports. 

During the sports period, the students are made to the warm up exercises before the match (which are usually regional games). During the first few classes, we were supposed to see our seniors and learn about the game with in game explanations by the sports teacher. Gradually, we have to develop our skills to be better at the game. Because of this few students struggled too for the first few months and I was one of those. It took to me around half a year to master the fundamental of the game that we played at our school.

I believe there are a lot of students who struggle to learn by just watching others and verbal explanations by the teachers. If only this knowledge was available in written format in theory form, it would be much easier for those students like me. 

If I were to given a chance, I would like to include theory lessons as well for the sports. If I were to propose this resolution, the first thing I would need is the support of atleast half of the students of my grade. After gaining the support and gathering their signatures in the reuqest letter, I would request the Principal to accept the resolution. There would be many students who would still prefer practical learning and struggle with theory part or they do not want to burden themselves with unnecessary more written texts, so I would make this optional so that everyon could enjoy their favorite sports period.

Every child has a unique way of learning and for the sake of his growth, we should give him our full support. There are many cases where the superiority of practical learning over theoretical learning is proven, but there are also some exceptional subjects like sports. We must keep it in mind and do our best to create an environment best suited for the growth of our youngsters.



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