Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful.


Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful.
Elements of western culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of indian culture? What, according to you, should we as indians adopt from the west to make life more meaningful.

In a world where all the people around the globe are connected through the means of Internet, western philosophies and culture have taken roots deeply in the culture of other nations. Whether it is the democratic ideas, free speech, or human rights, today all nations follow these principles even though if it was not even ever mentioned in their history. The cause of the spread of western culture around the globe can be attributed to their reign over multiple colonies between the 17th to 20th century and rapid increase in wealth brought due to the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. The western culture is referred to the common customs followed majorly in the American and European continents. 

English, which is spoken in almost all the countries on the earth, and is regarded as the International language, is also because of the spread of western culture. The British Empire, at its peak, reigned over the entire Indian subcontinent, North America, parts of Africa and Australia. To facilitate smooth functioning of the administration, the British Empire forced english language, western philosophies, and doctrines of christianity upon the locals, which resulted in a sudden rise in english speakers and Christianity believers in the third world countries. the spread of western culture is not limited to the language and religion only, but music, movies, and various food and beverages products especially American made have made their way deep into the other countries’ markets and households.

One of the thing that is completely different from the Indian culture are the western ideas for work ethics and labour laws. In many Asian countries, including India, working overtime is considered a part of the job and the toxic work culture and doing anything to meet the monthly goals is considered a norm. The laws are there but its are not imposed properly. Due to this, third world countries’ employees spend most of their day at work and have barely any time left to give to their family, hobbies or other activities. 

It has become necessary for us to immediately apply better work policies and ask the western neighbours for their help in the matter. Employees are the most important assets to run a company and the overall country properly therefore, it is the Government’s job to provide them a suitable environment to freely work without any harsh conditions.



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