
One word essay: Pride

One word essay: Pride Pride is the feeling of confidence and self-respect that one gets after accomplishing a major achievement. The feeling of pride, though common to every sapience being, can be found excessively in ambitious men and women. Whether it is a great warrior, a craftsman, an artist, a scholar or a king, they all have one feeling in common, which is their desire to take a great pride in their work, postion or wisdom. In most cases, the pride of a being is the major driving factor which motivates him to pursue his goals and reach greater heights. Without pride, the competition will be significantly reduce and the ambition will no longer exist. In our daily lives, the student compete with each other to get the award for the most brilliant. The researchers competes to make the greatest discoveries. The companies competes to make the best product and attract consumers. The writers compete to give birth to the greatest of human imagination and the countries compete to be the mi

The main scale of vernier calliper is calibrated in mm and 19 divisions of main scale are equal in length to 20 divisions of vernier scale. In measuring the diameter of a cylinder by this instrument, the main scale reads 35 division and 4th division of vernier scale coincides with a M.S.D. Find LC in (cm).

Question    Solution Question from PW 2023-24 Physics Module Concept Application Page 39 Question No. 29.

The diameter of a cylinder is measured using a vernier callipers with no zero error. It is found that, the zero of the vernier scale lies between 5.10 cm and 5.15 cm of the main scale. The vernier scale has 50 division equivalent to 2.45 cm. If 24th division of the vernier scale exactly coincides with one of the main scale division, the diameter of the cylinder is

  Solution Question This question is from PW Module 2023-2024 edition page no. 39, Question 28 from Concept Application. 

Abhisara - the Tryst Notes

Upagupta, the disciple of Buddha, lay asleep in the dust by thr city wall of Mathura. Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, ans stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August. Whose feet were those tinkling with anklets, touching his breast of a sudden? He woke up startled, and the light from a woman's lamp fell on his forgiving eyes. It was Vasavadatta the dancing girl, starred with jewels, Clouded with a pale blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth. She lowered her lamp and saw the young face, austerely beautiful. 'Forgive me, young ascetic,' said the woman, 'Graciously come to my house. The dusty earth is not a fit bed for you.' The young ascetic answered, 'Woman, go on your way; When the time is ripe I will come to you.' Suddenly the black night showed its teeth in a flash of lightning.  The storm growled from the corner of the sky, and the woman trembled in fear. A year had not yet passed. It was eveing of a day in April, in the Spring. The b

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 3 (Part 2/2)

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 3 (Part 2/2)   "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. Not so happy, yet much happier. Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none." The witches mean that though Banquo will be lesser in rank than Macbeth, he will be morally higher. Banquo will be less successful than Macbeth, but he will be satisfied with his life and do not have to worry about someone taking his position. Banquo will be the father of the kings though he himself will not get the chance to be one. Witches vanish When Macbeth hears the witches predict about his future of becoming the Thane of Cawdor and eventually king, and Banquo's prediction of becoming the father of kings, he asks the witches how these predictions will come true and how the witches have come to know about their future. He also asks them that why had they chose them to stop on the way to the Foress and talk about their futures.  The witches chose not to answer Macbeth's questions and vanish into the air. 

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 3 (Part 1)

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 3 (Part 1) Setting: The scene takes place on a heath near Forres. Heath: A heath is a barren wasteland.  Forres: A city in Scotland where the castle of King Duncan is located.  Weather: The scene starts with the witches meeting with each other on a barren wasteland. The weather is one that is according to the preferences of the witches. It is lightning through the sky. The lightning symbolizes the unbalance in nature that the witches cause with their supernatural powers, and it also foreshadows the turbulence in Macbeth's heart a little bit ahead in scene that the witches' prophecies will cause. Witches' favorite pastime activity:  The scene showcases that the favorite pastime activity for the witches is to kill swine (old English word for pigs) and cause trouble for the normal human beings. The scene starts with the First Witch asking where the other witches were. The Second Witch answers that she had been killing swine as a leisure acti

One word Essay: Adventure

One word Essay: Adventure The word adventure, which suddenly cause one to feel excited, upon hearing usually describes an experience or an activity which is particularly dangerous or filled with excitement. It is one of many English words whose dictionary definition does not hold true for everyone as every individual has a particular hobby or memory which they call adventurous. For some hiking on a mountain may be adventurous, and for others taking part in dangerous activities and games might be adventurous. Some people might find it interesting to hear the adventure of others rather than going on one themselves while others would like to have an adventurous time through the perspective of someone else like in movies. Adventures makes our life interesting and joyful. It is very hard to live each day following the same schedule. Adventures helps to bring a change of pace to our initially dull and unvaried life. Whether it is going out for fishing by the lakeside or playing video games w

If you could jump into the world of any book and spend a day with the characters, which book it would be and what character would you want to hang out with?

If you could jump into the world of any book and spend a day with the characters, which book it would be and what character would you want to hang out with? Books are one of the greatest products that humanity has ever created by incorporating their intelligence and creativity. Books are not only a source of vast knowledge in our hands, but they also provide entertainment. There are various types and genres of books available on the market. Whether it is the fiction books or the non-fiction ones, it is the skills and style of the author that makes the reading interesting and often productive too. Books have always been regarded as the key that open the gates to wonders and fantasy in the minds of children as well as adults. When someone picks up a well written book, then age becomes a number in actual ways as old as well as young experience the same joy and feels the same ecstasy. There are uncountable books to choose from, but the one I like the most is “400 Days” by Chetan Bhagat. Th

The Graph of understanding and learning

The Graph of understanding and learning Learning can be fun for some students while some may also find it tiring. But it does not really matter, since we are supposed to develop the habit to learn new things so that we do not find ourselves stuck in the future. At first, I was also disinterested in studying, but it did not take me long to realize how learning new topics and subjects can actually be fun and useful too.  In this article, I will mainly talk about my experience during the tenth grade when I was preparing for the ICSE 2024 Board Exams. When I look back at my journey of study, I can make out a key observation. It was that if you are taught a new topic, you should not expect to fully understand it in one go. Well, there are a few exceptions, but most students find themselves utterly defeated when they face a new concept or topic. At these times, we should know that it is the natural reaction. We should always push ourselves to read the topic again and again till we finally ge

Be the change that you wish to be. Reflect on the statement.

Be the change that you wish to be. Reflect on the statement. Change is the natural law of nature. There is nothing in the universe that can exist without changing to fit itself to the surroundings which is continuously changing. A change can be as small as the changing of colors of radium when stroked with photons or it can be as big as the expansion of universe and change of climate. In nature, it is usually observed that it is not required to force a substance to bring a change to itself, but humans require a catalyst to force themselves to bring a change. This is one of the reasons that the saying "be the change that you wish to be" can be heard since thousands of years.  In the modern times, we have significantly reduced physical work from our daily routine. This has led to an increase in many diseases like diabetes and obesity. Since almost all of our work can be done with the help of computers and machines, humans barely need to do any labor. The adults are aware of it,

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 2

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 2 Setting: The scene is set in a camp near Forres "As seemeth by his plight" An injured sergeant is standing in front of the King Duncan. Duncan asks from his servants who the bleeding man is and concludes from his condition that he is in condition to report the latest developments of the revolt. "Who like a good and hardy soldier fought 'gainst my captivity" Malcolm, the elder son of the king, answers his father and tells him that the bleeding man is a sergeant, who fought to prevent him from being taken as a war prisoner.  "Doubtful it stood" The battlefield stood doubtful. It was difficult to say which side was winning as the soldiers from both sides were tired and as two swimmers who were exhausted holds onto each other so that neither can swim, the soldiers held each other making it impossible for either of them to win. Macdonwald => the name of the rebel. "Worthy to be a rebel" Macdonwald is worthy

Argumentative Essay: Is the advancement of autonomous vehicles a positive development for society?

Argumentative Essay: Is the advancement of autonomous vehicles a positive development for society? Human Technologies have advanced much faster in the last decade than before. We have worked towards automations and extracting better output from our machines. Many have contributed towards making autonomous machines. These machines were first used for industrial use only, but slowly they are being modified so that the general public can also enjoy their benefits. One such invention is autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving vehicles. They do not need a human driver to operate them instead, they rely on advance artificial intelligence technologies to move without the need of a driver.  The manufacturing and usage of autonomous vehicles have increased significantly in the past ten years. They do not require a human operator, so they are very profitable to courier and other delivery companies. One of the major benefits of autonomous vehicles are that the people with disability can a

Java program to convert Decimal Number to Binary Number

Java program to convert Decimal Number to Binary Number I was reading the first chapter of my class eleventh textbook. While reading the chapter, I came across a topic "Conversion of Decimal Number System to Binary Number System". In that chapter, I found the method of converting the decimal number to the binary number. Decimal number system means the number system which is base 10 or uses 10 digits. Like the one we use in maths with digits from 0 to 9. Binary Number system means the number system that uses the base 2 or only 2 digits. The number system of 0s and 1s are called Binary Number System, which is also the language of computers. In programming, 0 means off or false and 1 means true or on. The method for converting the decimal number to binary number is:  First the number is divided by 2 and the remainder whether it is 0 or 1 is noted. The first remainder is called Least Significant Bit (LSB). Then the quotient of the number is again divided by 2 and the remainder is

Letter practise: 5/06/24

Letter practice The Principal, Srikrishna Public School, Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831002.     Subject [Requesting to recover the fees] Respected Ma'am, My son, Mayank Vikash, of std. 11 A scored 95% in his std. 10 boards. As mentioned in the notice, the school stated to provide a full scholarship to students who scored 95% or above in the boards. I wish to claim the scholarship for my son.  During the admission, I had paid Rs. 28,280 which included the admission charges and the academic fees of four months. I would be thankful if you can grant my son scholarship and allow him to continue his education in your prestigious school. Anticipating your positive response. Yours faithfully,  Manoj Kumar.

Argumentative essay: Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of misinformation?

  Argumentative essay: Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of misinformation? Social media platforms have become a wonderful place to spend our time nowadays. They not only provide useful information but also provides entertainment and quick news updates. With the rise in Internet users, numerous social media platforms have popped up and numerous companies have been set up. The users are generally free to post anything on social media as long as they follow the code of conducts. This has resulted in an increase in the publication of fake and misleading information. During the elections period, social media platforms are flooded with spam promotional contents and misleading information about the candidates.  At times like this, it becomes the responsibility of the social media platforms to strictly monitor and regulate the content on their platforms. As ordered by the Indian Government, the social media platforms need to form a team of individual who will co

Discuss the impact of remote work on modern society. Amplify the following points in your composition: Increased flexibility and work-life balance Reduced commute times Flexible working hours More time for personal activities Changes in workplace dynamics Virtual communication and collaboration tools Shift in team management strategies Impact on workplace culture Economic implications Cost savings for businesses Economic benefits for employees Effects on local businesses and real estate Environmental impact Reduction in carbon footprint due to less commuting Decreased office energy consumption Potential increase in home energy usage Challenges and drawbacks Issues with maintaining productivity Potential feelings of isolation among employees Security concerns with remote networks

Discuss the impact of remote work on modern society. Nowadays, it is very common to work remotely either from home or from a different place. There are many companies that are supporting and encouraging remote work, especially in technology sector. Remote work comes with various benefits to both the company and to the employees: Companies can pay less to remote workers compared to regular workers and the employees could work from the comfort of their homes without worrying about the professional office environment. One of the major advantages of remote work is increased flexibility of work and work-life balance. The employees could work according to the time they think is right. Some prefers to wake up early and complete the daily work by evening, while others prefer to work till late at night. Remote work can allow the employees to create a flexible work schedule. The employees work from home, so it becomes easier for them to focus on their hobbies alongside their work and give time f

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 1

Macbeth Personal Notes: Act 1 Scene 1 Setting: A desert place The scene takes pace in a baron wasteland which is the most suitable place for the witches and evil entities to meet and conceive plans for their mischiefs. The place is isolated therefore it is not interfered by the humans. Thunder and lightening The witches meeting in a foul weather shows that how different they are from the normal people as they would stay inside their home and not come out. The corrupt weathers and their desire to meet only in this kind of weather shows their evil nature and evil soul. Symbolically, it also gives us hint of the moral upheaval in the heart and mind of the story's protagonist, Macbeth. "When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain?" The witches prefer this kind of weather. "When the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won" Literally meaning, when the confusion of the battle and the mayhem is over. Symbolically, when the battle i

Macbeth Personal Notes: Introduction

Macbeth Personal Notes: Introduction   Introduction Macbeth, full title "The Tragedie of Macbeth" is a tragedy play by William Shakespeare. It is believed to be first performed in 1606. The story revolves around a brave Scottish military general named Macbeth and his over-ambitious character. Three witches prophesize that Macbeth will be hailed as Thane of Cawdor and the King hereafter. First Macbeth was startled, but upon receiving the news from two messengers that the previous Thane has been executed for treasons and his title is conferred upon Macbeth for his heroic deeds in the battle, Macbeth begins dreaming about ways he will become the King.   The theme of the play is the will to acquire power, supernatural and evil, and loyalty. Macbeth is one of the shortest Shakespearean tragedies and also one of the first play that ventures this deep into evil realm. The main character of the play are: King Duncan, who is the King of Scotland Malcolm, eldest son of Duncan Donalbain

Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it.

  Narrate an experience when you chose struggle over success. State how did you emerge out of this ordeal and what lesson you learnt from it. Almost all the stories are based on the moral teaching of choosing the tough path instead of the one which seems easy. It has been taught to us that we should not strive for success but focus on doing the work and success will start following us. But it is easier to say than to actually do it. Whenever we found ourselves in a situation where we can choose one of the two paths, we choose the one that seems to take us to our goal easily and quickly. I was once in a similar situation. Last month, I was selected from my school to take part in the Inter-School Writing Competition. I was supposed to write an essay on Environment Conservation and methods to make cities cleaner and pollution free. The word limit was two thousand words. I liked to write, so it was something I would love to do so, but there was one problem: I was required to submit my essa

Write a short story entitled "Advice not taken"

Write a short story entitled "Advice not taken"  Advice Not Taken In a small town located in the outskirts of Uttar Pradesh, lived a boy named Anil. He was a young and energetic lad of age ten. Children do not like studying and Anil was no different from the rest of kind. He hated sitting at once place the most. To study, he was required to sit and concentrate, but the young soul of Anil refused to abide by such rules. He liked running the most. He used to run all day around the town as long as he has stamina left. His mother was always worried about him and she would always say, “Do not go outside the town into the forest.”  One day, Anil wondered, “Why does mother keeps saying I should not go into the forest. Maybe there are mango trees in there and mother wants to keep them to herself.” So, the boy set off for the forest. He liked mangoes, but the villagers would not let him eat from their trees and his family did not grow mango trees on their land. He had to wait for his
